Tuesday, June 20, 2006


This weekend I read The Attractor Factor by Joe Vitale. I have always believed in the power of intentions, but I found his book to be particularly compelling. Putting your intentions out into the world is a way of inviting flow into your life, of accepting the role that faith and your spiritual persona play in creating your life. When I've had faith that everything would happen as it should, things have always gone as they needed to. Not always without pain, but always with tremendous growth and opportunity.

Right now I'm in the midst of much change. On the surface, it's about my career and what I want to do with my life. But below that, much deeper within me, it's about whether or not I'm going to let go of what has limited me in the past. I've come to a certain place in my life that is good, but that is not quite good enough. I still please too much, still worry all the time. These are things that need to go.

It's interesting to see how often negativity flits across my brain. I'm trying to watch it as an observer and to dismiss it, the way I would wave away a gnat. This is often easier said than done. But I want to rid myself of these vestiges of a life that came before, a life that needs to be changed and reinvented.

So I put my new intentions out into the world . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss you! Can't wait to see you!